Hard to Swallow Facts About Menopause and Gut Issues
Hard to Swallow Facts About Menopause and Gut Issues - Menopause Mondays Blog by Ellen Dolgen
Hard to Swallow Facts About Menopause and Gut Issues - Menopause Mondays Blog by Ellen Dolgen
Fell out of bed, grabbed a cup of coffee - no makeup and hair - no photoshop!
Between parties, holiday cards, and family gatherings, it’s no surprise we want to look our best this season. So to help all of my sisters in perimenopause and menopause out this season, I’ve collected my best beautifying secrets for the holidays in one place. Follow these holiday beauty tips and—trust me—turning heads will follow:
This Memorial Day--and all summer long--don't fall prey to self-criticism. Learn how to look (and be!) fabulous in your swimsuit this year.
It's the last day of 2012; tomorrow will be a new year. Happy New Year! We're celebrating New Year's New CoverGirl. When you think of a CoverGirl, what do you envision? What qualities earn someone the title of CoverGirl? Do you think of internal beauty, as well as external? What does CoverGirl mean to YOU?