Menopause News Flash: Research, News and Information

No need to go scouring the Internet. I’m here for you with all the latest menopause news. Click through to stay in the know!


Menopause News Flash: research, news and information

Australian doctors are conducting a larger-scale study on the effects of acupuncture in regards to menopausal symptoms. So far, the results seem promising.

HRT is constantly getting more and more support from the medical society. Read more about the latest major studies on HRT, reviewed by Scott Rollins, M.D. as well as Forbes’ take on the HRT whiplash.

Study shows that hot flashes can relapse when women stop taking SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor).

According to a study, taking low doses of HRT during menopause lowers depression and anxiety.

A new analysis of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) trials show that women who had metabolic syndrome before they started hormone therapy had a greatly increased risk of heart attack or dying of heart disease. Women who didn’t have metabolic syndrome beforehand showed no increased risk.

New info on black cohosh.

Heart Disease is the #1 killer of women…do you know the symptoms?

Hormone therapy and breast cancer.

Glamour tells us the top 6 breast cancer myths.

The findings of the United States study indicated women exposed to the highest levels of the chemicals, called phthalates, went through menopause on average 2.3 years earlier than women who were not exposed.

Hormone therapy soon after menopause onset may reduce Alzheimer’s risk.

Researchers at Baylor, Indiana, and U.T. Austin conducted a randomized, controlled study (a rarity for alternative medicine). About half of their 187 subjects underwent hypnotherapy, while the other half was put through a similar placebo program that did not alter their consciousness.

If you would like to be a participant of a menopause-related study, be sure to visit the NAMS website and find the right study for you.


The Lighter Side:

holiday giveaway

Check out our Giveaways page and enroll in the giveaway to win a cozy new bathrobe, an autographed copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of  hormone happiness , 8 pack of Probiotic Skincare ($250 retail value) and $25 off a patient’s first Rx with La Vita!

menopause on stage

Don’t miss Menopause the Musical – a show celebrating menopause and women. Save $5 on tickets for the for the fall shows by using the promo code REDHOT! There is a limit of four tickets per person. This offer is not valid on previous purchases or premium seats, and cannot be combined with any other offer. Click here for a list of dates and purchase options.

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