“Attention K Mart Shoppers there is a shopper in PM&M (perimenopause and menopause) on isle three. Be prepared for shoving, dirty looks, and sudden emotional outbursts.”
Let’s face it, when our hormones are plummeting, our tempers are rising. Things that used to go practically unnoticed like our husbands chewing gum, suddenly feel like fingernails scratching a chalk board.
That’s why I want to thank Shop.org for the birth of Cyber Monday! Great idea – especially for the shopper in PM&M (perimenopause and menopause). It is so much safer for everyone now that we are shopping on our keyboards rather than trying to manage Black Friday’s crazy traffic, overstuffed parking lots, and endless check-out lines.
In 2005, Shop.org realized that on the Monday after Black Friday millions of Americans, fresh off a Thanksgiving weekend of window shopping, were not busy at work, but instead they were on their computers buying up a storm!
Who needs Black Friday when you can get “door buster” deals on Cyber Monday? It’s certainly safer for everyone to have shoppers in PM&M (perimenopause and menopause) out of the isles!