I need help with perimenopause & HT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Ellen,

I wanted you to know that I read your book all in one setting.  What I loved the most about this book is that I figured out that I am not crazy, I am just going through perimenopause.  I know that you are a very busy woman, but I feel you are my only hope.

I am experiencing sleeplessness, hot flashes and tremendous mood swings.  Some days, I just don’t feel like I am ok.  This has been going on for 3 years.

I am most frustrated! There must be many women, like myself, who at the age of 38-41 are experiencing these symptoms. My doctor never checked my hormones or even spoke about perimenopause to me. I was just put on an anti-depressant and sent home. I don’t know how to get help.

                                                                                                                Please Help!  Kat

Dear Kat,

I am so sorry to hear that you have been through so much :<(

It makes me smile knowing that you found my book helpful and comforting.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you don’t not have a period for one solid year you are in menopause. Perimenopause is the 2-10 years before your period stops.  Women can experience a tremendous amount of symptoms that make them feel like they are going crazy…or a bitchface on wheels!

Symptoms can start even in your 30’s!   Some women start this journey very young.  You are not alone!

The most important thing is for you to find a good menopause specialist!  Here are some easy tips to help you find a menopause specialist. Talk to your doctor about doing some tests to determine where you are in your menopausal journey.  Your menopause specialist will be able to develop an individual plan to get you balanced and feeling good again!

Download my free Menopause Symptoms Chart.   Start charting your symptoms each night. Remember: doctors don’t have a crystal ball to tell them how you feel. This Menopause Symptom Chart is designed to help you communicate with your doctor – quickly and easily. Be sure to be honest when you fill it out.  It is okay to admit you are not fine. This is the only way you can get the proper help. Take the filled out chart in with you to your appointment.

When your hormones decline you can experience many of the symptoms you mentioned. There are some helpful tips in these links:  sleeplessness, mood swings, hot flashes, painful sex, etc…..

Your menopause specialist might recommend hormone therapy (HT).  Take some time to educate yourself about HT so that you are able to base your healthcare decisions on fact instead of fear.

What’s The Verdict on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Hormone Therapy (HT), or (Wait, There Is a New One!) Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)?

Dr. Josh Trutt explains the pros and cons of HT

Hormone Therapy – Heart Breaker or Heart of Gold – Keeps Study


Health News Flash that discusses a new study that HT reduces the risk of heart failure, heart attack and death in women

Health News Flash on the side effects of HT

Health News Flash discussing the difference between bioidentical hormones and oral estrogen and progestin.

Don’t look back, just look forward!    Don’t give up until you get the help you need and deserve!

Keep me posted!




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