The Shmirshky Mile High Club

With the holiday season in full swing, many shmirshkies in perimenopause and menopause are taking to the friendly skies. The question is, are you a member of the Shmirshky Mile High Club?

The Shmirshky Mile High Club Menopause Talk on the Airplane

With the holiday season in full swing, many of us are taking to the friendly skies. Flying is a great way to get lots of work done – no phones – no every day life interruptions.

As soon as possible, I flip open my laptop and begin catching up on my work.  My fingers are flying over the keyboard thanks to my high school typewriter-typing lessons from the caveman days. Apparently I am unaware that there is a serious banging noise with every key punch.

The gal in front of me however is keenly aware of this nagging noise.  She leans around and gives me a look, the kind that says, really, are you going to do this the entire five-hour trip?  Then she asks, “Are you working?”  I take a good look at her and immediately realize that I am speaking to a PM&M (perimenopause and menopause) shmirshky.  So, I reply, “Yes, I just wrote a book on perimenopause and menopause – I have lots of work to do on this trip.”  This was the million dollar answer!

“I need your book now” she declared.  Happy that I now have a friend, I quickly reply, “I wish I had one to give you!” (Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness comes out January 18, 2011!)  Somehow, shmirshkies all around us heard the conversation.  Hearing the words perimenopause and menopause, is similar to the bell ringing on Wall Street, signaling the opening of trading. We had a little Shmirshky Party right there in the sky! Immediately everyone began trading perimenopause symptoms and stories. The woman next to me was fanning herself – she was having hot flashes right then and there!

After Shmirshky is released, I will be carrying on a backpack full of books to hand out.  This is the new kind of mile high club – it’s the Shmirshky Mile High Club!

Want to join?  I will look for you on my next flight!

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