Menopause Mondays: How to Care for Your Parents, Children, and Yourself

During menopause, more and more of us are gaining membership to the aptly named “Sandwich Generation,” a group marked by its responsibility to simultaneously care for both its children and parents. So if it seems like everybody wants (scratch that, needs) something from you these days, you’re not alone.

By |2024-05-30T08:27:49-07:00July 29, 2013|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|

Menopause Mondays: Grumpy, Moody?? A Youthologist Talks Puberty and Menopause

Vanessa Van Petten, one of the nation’s youngest experts or “youthologists” on parenting and adolescents, gives us her take on what I often call Dueling Hormones!

By |2024-05-30T08:30:51-07:00September 5, 2011|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|
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