Ellen Dolgen in the News: "Menopause and the Military" Featured in BlogHer

Don't miss "Menopause Mondays: Menopause and the Military" seen in BlogHer, Huffington Post, Yahoo!, genConnect, Vibrant Nation, The Boomer Blogs, Menopause Chit Chat, Fabulously 40, Social Moms...

By |2024-05-30T08:28:06-07:00May 20, 2013|News|

Thanks to They Serve 2 Ellen Dolgen to Address Military Spouses About Women’s Health Issues at Naval Base San Diego for Military Spouse Appreciation Day

On May 10, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, women’s health advocate [...]

By |2024-05-30T08:28:11-07:00May 1, 2013|News|

Ellen Dolgen in the News: Menopause Mondays Google Hangouts (Where the Sisterhood helps the Sisterhood)

On Monday, May 6 at 8pm EST/5pm PST, I am hosting my monthly Menopause Mondays Google Hangouts: Where the Sisterhood helps the Sisterhood.

By |2024-05-30T08:28:12-07:00April 29, 2013|News|
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