Your Health, Your Power—Helping to Prevent Cancer with Smart Choices

Did you know that nearly half of all cancer cases are linked to lifestyle choices? In this Menopause Mondays blog, learn how to make smart, simple changes to reduce your cancer risk and embrace a healthier, happier you during menopause.

By |2024-10-02T16:15:54-07:00October 7, 2024|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|

Understanding the Musculoskeletal Syndrome of Menopause

As menopause hits, we brace for hot flashes and night sweats, but did you know it also messes with our muscles and bones? Meet the musculoskeletal syndrome of menopause – joint pain, muscle loss, and all that jazz. Don’t worry! We’ve got tips on staying active, eating right, and maybe even trying HRT to keep us moving and grooving.

By |2024-09-10T15:26:53-07:00August 12, 2024|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|

Essential Preventative Health Tests for Postmenopausal Women

Today, we're diving into a crucial topic for every postmenopausal woman: preventative health. Staying on top of your health is more important than ever during this stage of life, and knowing which tests and screenings to get each year can make all the difference.

By |2024-08-28T10:07:43-07:00August 5, 2024|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|
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