Prepping For My 64th Birthday

As I approach my 64th birthday on September 19th, I started to think about a check list of important items that I should need or do to prepare for this birthday.

Before I began jotting down the list, I thought I would listen to that wonderful song that the Beatles wrote about being 64 years old, When I’m Sixty Four for some inspiration. Warning, before you listen to this music video maybe grab a cocktail to calm yourself down first! Especially if you are approaching 64!

My husband and I share an office – so by default, he was listening, too. Poor guy was suddenly sitting next to a very outraged wife. I could not control my sudden outbursts of not so sweet words (Sorry Mom, yes, I still use the F word sometimes.) at the computer.

WTF!!!????? Whoa ——-no thank you, Beatles!

I feel fabulous because I take good care of myself! I am not losing my hair, and no one at our house is sitting by a fireside all day knitting. No one needs to feed me – I can feed myself…thank you very much! So much for the musical inspiration.

Here are my tips for prepping for 64:

  • Yearly Pap Smear – At my Gyn visit. I love my Gyn and this visit is important to me.
  • Colonoscopy- 10-year re-check was done this year.
  • Mammogram – I have dense breasts so I request my mammogram with Breast Tomosynthesis. The regular digital mammography produces one image of the overlapping tissue. The Breast Tomosynthesis takes multiple images of the entire breast so that radiologists can see through layers of tissue and examine areas of concern from all angles.
  • Yearly physical with my internist with proper blood tests.
  • Bone Health Check: –Testing for osteoporosis with a bone mineral density test is usually recommended for women at age 65, but I get checked every couple of years. This is the only test that can diagnose osteopenia or osteoporosis by measuring the bone density in your hip and spine.
  • Dentist – I am now getting my teeth cleaned every 4 months.
  • Eye Exam – Time to check my current prescription and get screened for other more serious developing eye health issues.
  • Bioidentical FDA approved Hormone Therapy (HT) – Staying on them – feel great!
  • LET (Local Estrogen Therapy)- No dry vagina here.
  • Exercise – Walk 2x week with a girlfriend, 3x week with David (my husband), and  2x do resistance training.
  • Continue eating healthy – I feel better when I eat clean and healthy. However, I definitely plan to enjoy any and all birthday cake.
  • Hair– Color and Haircut – Gray be gone.
  • Practice random acts of kindness.
  • Find passion, purpose, and joy in each day.
  • Celebrate Life – make every day during my 64th year feel like my birthday.

I am looking forward to having birthday lunches and dinners with friends- thank you for reaching out and celebrating me!

This year my family birthday party will be an all-day party at our house– lunch, swimming, and dinner – Pooh Bear themed of course! Pooh is my fav philosopher and approved by my granddaughter. As Pooh says, “Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”

Ready set go 64!

Please be sure to keep sending me wine, valentines and birthday greetings!

Now, I need to reach out to Paul McCartney. It is time for him to do a re-do of this song or change the age in the song to 95! I don’t care if it doesn’t rhyme because there is no rhyme or reason for this song to be referring to a 64-year-old! I shall continue to be active, alive, inspired, productive, creative, and play with my granddaughter (& a grandson on the way) as much as possible.  You can find us under the sea!

Remember:  Suffering in silence is OUT!  Reaching out is IN.

For great tips on how to find a menopause specialist and deal with menopause, download my free eBook: MENOPAUSE MONDAYS  the Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause.    

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