North American Menopause Society Publishes Evidence-Based Guidelines for Care of Women in Menopause

North American Menopause Society Publishes Evidence-Based Guidelines for Care of Women in Menopause

The North American Menopause Society has published the first comprehensive set of guidelines that support clinicians involved in the care of women at mid-life. The evidence-based recommendations have been published in the October 2014 issue of Menopause. As new research about hormone therapy and other treatments for women at mid-life become more controversial, this resource fulfills a great need for a guide that will help clinicians understand how to better care for women in menopause and beyond.

Women with High Levels of Vitamin-D Have 40% Less Risk of Bone Fracture

Research presented at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research’s 2014 annual meeting shows that women who maintain high levels of vitamin-D throughout menopause have a 40% less risk for bone fracture than women with lower vitamin-D levels. Prior research demonstrates that bone loss accelerates during menopause. The researchers are now calling for more vitamin-D supplementation, treatment of vitamin-D deficiency, and routine screening of vitamin-D deficiency for women in menopause. The information in the presentation was pulled from the assessment of 1620 women enrolled in the bone cohort of the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN).

Adequate Calcium and Vitamin-D May Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is often known as the “silent disease” as it often progresses without symptoms. The bone becomes so weak that even a small bump or fall can result in a fracture, leaving the patient with loss of mobility and independence. Research published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management states that 25% of women with broken bones due to osteoporosis require long term care. Researchers now advocate for an increased intake of calcium and vitamin-D in the diet as well as through supplementation to reduce the risk of broken bones due to osteoporosis.

New Guidelines for Non-Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Women

Doctors recommend using kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, bladder training, and weight loss as an effective, non-surgical treatment for women with urinary incontinence. The new evidence-based clinical guidelines from the American College of Physicians state that half of women with urinary incontinence never report it to their doctor. The recommendations will support doctors who treat female patients in asking specific questions that may help urinary incontinence from becoming worse.

Artificial Sweeteners May Disrupt Regulation of Blood Sugar

Artificial sweeteners may interrupt the body’s natural ability to regulate blood sugar, according to an article in The New York Times. This condition may lead to a precursor for diabetes. Researchers published their observations in Nature, a scientific journal, stating that there was a change in gut bacteria during experimentation on mice that consumed artificial sweeteners, leading to glucose intolerance. The study is calling for a reassessment of the use of artificial sweeteners as a way to prevent obesity and diabetes.

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