Ellen Dolgen in the News: “From Vaginal Atrophy to Leg Atrophy: When Health Problems Arise” on Huffington Post

Thank you Huffington Post for featuring, “From Vaginal Atrophy to Leg Atrophy: When Health Problems Arise”.

By |2024-05-30T08:26:49-07:00November 18, 2013|News|

Menopause News Flash: Trans Fats May Become a Thing of the Past

Ta-ta, trans fats! The Food and Drug Administration has stepped up and taken the first step toward banning the health-wrecking fats, saying that partially hydrogenated oils—a major source of trans fats in Americans diets—are not safe.

By |2024-05-30T08:26:50-07:00November 14, 2013|Health News Flash, News|

Ellen Dolgen in the News: Tune in tomorrow at 1:00 PST on The Wellness Journey LIVE! Radio Show

Tune in today at 1:00pm PST on The Wellness Journey LIVE! Radio Show with Spiritual Health and Wellness Coach/Talk Show Host Lynnis of PraiseWorks while we chat about mind, body spirit & menopause wellness.

By |2024-05-30T08:26:51-07:00November 11, 2013|News|

Menopause Mondays: Celebrate National Family Caregivers Month with Mother Daughter Me

November is the month of giving thanks and, also happens to be- National Family Caregivers Month. More than 65 million Americans are caregivers. If you feel like you’re really just giving giving, giving, you’re not alone. Katie Hafner, the author of an Oprah book of the week, Mother Daughter Me, was once one of those caregivers. She was living with and caring for both her teenage daughter and elderly mother - sandwiched between two slices of responsibility.

By |2024-05-30T08:26:52-07:00November 4, 2013|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog, News|

Ellen Dolgen in the News: 3 Tips for Taking Care of Both Your Loved Ones and Yourself featured on Huffington Post

“3 Tips for Taking Care of Both Your Loved Ones and Yourself” featured on Huffington Post

By |2024-05-30T08:26:53-07:00November 4, 2013|News|
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