Menopause News Flash – research, news and information
No need to go scouring the Internet. I’m here for you with all the latest menopause news.
Boost your body, boost your mood! Exercise is helpful in fighting depression, suggests a recent review published in The Cochrane Library.
The latest reason to watch your weight: Obese people are 81 percent more likely to suffer migraines than are normal-weight individuals, finds a new study from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
What’s your risk? A new study in Lancet Oncology has found a way to identify patients of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer who continue to be at risk five years after treatment.
Here’s to more birthdays (Today I am 60!!!!)! Thanks to medical advancements, the average 25-year-old American can look forward to living 2.4 more years compared to 20 years ago, while a 65-year-old’s lifespan has gained 1.7 years, according to research from the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Can your morning OJ prevent cancer? A soon-to-be-published review in Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal says it may, due to its high concentration of antioxidants from flavonoids such as hesperitin and naringinin.
“The Woman’s Guide to Managing Migraine- Understanding the Hormone Connection” by Susan Hutchinson, MD. Enter to win here.
Check out the Products That May Help You and get discounts on great menopause products, courtesy of Available now: botanically based vegan & gluten-free beauty-health-wellness products, cooling clothes, a sleek and discrete chargeable fan, a “Hot Flash Havoc” documentary, and a natural menopause relief formula. Enter promo code “ellend” to save serious cash!