This month, the ORWH (Office of Research of Women’s Health) joins the NAMS (North American Menopause Society) in recognizing September as National Menopause Awareness Month. I love the idea of having a whole month of menopause awareness! We definitely need to break the silence and taboo associated with perimenopause and menopause. I conducted my own little survey among the sisterhood and no one was at all aware of National Menopause Awareness Month, but they are now!
Congress pushed for the WHI study, because they wanted us to have more accurate information to “enhance women’s health at menopause and beyond.” I am ready to become more aware. Where’s the info? We need a new 8-10 year study of 20,000 age appropriate women who have symptoms! We need to be studying the HRT that women are taking today – things like transdermal and oral estradiol. This study could possibly cost 200 – 300 million dollars – no I am not kidding. I know this is huge for the NIH (National Institute of Health), but it’s worth it!
The Internet is flooded with all kinds of articles, studies, and advertising about menopause. You can read all the conflicting studies until you are in post menopause and you have a pounding headache. I don’t think we need to develop a “menses” survey to know we have millions of shmirshkies in this country that are suffering and confused about their options – yearning for a bitchless, sticky note free, orgasmic, restful, thinner, hot flash free day!
October 18th is designated World Menopause Day by the WHO (World Health Organization). There is no need to find a costume for this, it is not celebrated with a parade (I already checked with Macy’s) and unfortunately we still have to go to work (it’s not a bank holiday – I checked that too).
How are you going to celebrate? How about write your congressmen and start demanding a new study! Our congress is right….we need to become more aware. We need more dollars dedicated to women’s health – a special month or day is a good start, but it’s all about the benjamins baby!