Menopause Mondays: "The Change" Can Bring You to Your Knees

menopause blog

It was a rainy day and I was happy for the change in weather. The change can lift you up! I calmly showered and used my new wonderful exfoliating crème – a lovely gift from a friend. My skin felt so incredibly soft and smooth.

It was going to be a good day.  As I put on my makeup, I noticed that I didn’t spot any new wrinkles.  Not that I count them, but a woman just kind of knows these things.   Maybe one of the many miracle creams I use is putting a halt to these creases. Somewhere I read that sleeping on your side causes wrinkles.  It would have been nice if someone had mentioned this to me before, but hey, I’ll take help whenever I can.

That day’s relatively light schedule allowed me to to play with my hair.   It’s not easy to come up with new hairstyles for short curly hair, but I thought I would try to twist it up and clip it.  It sure looks cute on Nicole Kidman.  Hmmmmmm….why not – change is fun!

The rain finally stopped and it got warmer.  It was a perfect day to wear a short skirt – maybe with a little half boot.  I am so tired of wearing leggings, high boots and sweaters. The weather has allowed me to change it up a bit.

I did my usual quick glance in the full length mirror and suddenly became frozen in place – I almost fell over. What is this????    I struggled to focus. Surely my eyes were having some kind of middle age freak out. For sure they were playing tricks on me! It wasn’t possible!

I tried to re focus myself:

Softer skin – check

No new wrinkles on my face – check

Cute new hair –do – check

Fun skirt – check

As my eyes continued down, they stared at me like angry witches. My two wrinkled knees. WTF!!!! No check; PANIC!

Just when I thought I was prepared for all that perimenopause and menopause brings, I realized that “The Change” really can bring you to your knees!

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