When the holidays end, I usually look like I’m pregnant. All the good cheer and good food just balloons up in my stomach and I start wishing I saved my maternity clothes from 30 years ago! This New Year, however, is a little bit different. This year, I’m giving birth!
Typically, at the beginning of a New Year, I would probably gaze back at my blackberry calendar and take a snap shot of my 2010 activities, just to review and reflect. It’s fun to reminisce about trips, friends and family memories that were special. Then I would check into my inner thoughts and well, kind of take my temperature! How am I feeling?
This year is a little different. Sitting on my desk is a copy of my new menopause book, Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness. No need to look back at my BB – this book says it all for me. I can see through the book as if it’s a crystal ball – it embodies my road of self-discovery.
Shmirshky started with scribbles on a note pad during my sleepless nights struggling with perimenopause and then became a journal to give to my daughter so that she would be prepared. That journal morphed into this little book with a big story – thanks to my son, Jack, who collaborated with me on the book! First we self-published and before we knew it, we were working with our fabulous editor at Hyperion/VOICE on the new and improved Shmirshky. What an incredible experience!
Thanks to the challenges of perimenopause and menopause, I found my passion. Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness is more than a menopause book – it is a movement. I want to help break the taboo and myth that surrounds perimenopause and menopause. Perimenopause and menopause do not begin when you are old! Perimenopause in particular begins when you’re quite young – most shmirshkies begin this process in their 40’s, some even in their 30’s. We need to bust open the conversation about perimenopause so that women and the people who love them do not suffer. Let’s prepare the next generation so that they can get the support and help they deserve.
At midnight on New Year’s Eve I was kissing my favorite erlick and husband of 33 years, David. But today I am toasting all of you for your tremendous love, encouragement and support in helping me birth Shmirshky; the pursuit of hormone happiness! A menopause book is born!
I hope your New Year is filled with good health, love, joy and laughter. And please always remember:
Reaching out is IN! Suffering in silence is OUT!
P.S. If you want to win some fun prizes, check out this website and tell your friends. Once you buy the book, you can enter to win all kinds of fun Shmirshky goodies and a bunch of other bonus gifts just for purchasing today!