Aviva came into this world on August 8, 2014, at 8AM.
That is when I became a Grandma for the very first time.
Aviva means springtime in Hebrew. Springtime is that glorious time of the year when the weather becomes warmer, the trees become greener and flowers start popping open. It’s my favorite season.
We often associate springtime with rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal.
How fitting! Our little Aviva has ignited all of these beautiful feelings deep in my soul.
It is probably not a coincidence that one of Aviva’s favorite books is, “Pooh’s Favorite Things About Spring.” We love to read it together. I am often snuggled in a chair breathing in her glorious baby smell, reading the book over and over again. Just as I finish the last word, Aviva says, “more time …. more time.” When I turn to the first page to begin the book again, we both giggle with joy.
There are so many changes in a women’s life as we walk through the fields of various events such as perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. Along the way, many of us have nurtured our children or loved ones, sent them off to work or college, supported them through their career options and romantic ups and downs. Many of us find ourselves caregivers of aging or ill family and have experienced the tragic loss of a parent.
A month before Aviva’s birthday, my Mother passed away. At her burial, as I watched my Mother’s grave be covered in dirt, I started having trouble breathing. My son-in-law, Sol, gave me Aviva to hold and immediately, I calmed down. It was as if he gave me a tranquilizer injection. As Aviva squirmed in my arms all giggles and smiles, I was once again comforted by the circle of life…a baby – a new life – love, hope, and joy.
Aviva woke up my soul and revived my life with her boundless energy, giggles, and love.
Who knew that my life would change so much????
When I look at Aviva, I see my children and fall in love with them all over again.
Winnie the Pooh said it so beautifully when asked by Piglet, “How do you spell love?” Pooh answered, “You don’t spell it you feel it.”
Happy 2nd Birthday Aviva!
I love you!