Well, 2024 is coming to an end, and it’s that time of year again. Yep, it’s New Year’s resolution time. Remember when we’d write down a mile-long list of resolutions, filled with unrealistic goals like “eat less sugar,” “exercise more,” and “finally learn how to meditate without passing out”? Oh yeah, that was me too. I’d be furiously jotting down all the ways I was going to become a brand-new person, only to crash and burn by—oh, let’s be real—January 15th. By then, I’d be staring at a list longer than my grocery store receipt, wallowing in self-loathing because I’d already flunked most of them. Classic.
Well, not anymore. These days, I’ve gotten real about it. Instead of trying to change everything about myself, I’m just picking one thing to focus on. This year, it’s a big one—drumroll, please—reducing my cell phone time. That’s right. I’m officially admitting that my relationship with my phone has gotten way too clingy. We’re basically in a codependent situation at this point! It’s always there, waiting for me to scroll mindlessly, check emails that aren’t urgent, or pretend that watching one more gourmet cooking video will magically turn me into a master chef.
I’m not aiming for some unattainable, phone-free utopia where I’ve gone full tech cleanse and live in a yurt. No, I’m just trying to make sure my cell phone isn’t running my life. I want to look up at the world more, be more present, and—dare I say it—actually talk to people face-to-face (gasp!).
It’s all about balance, right? Menopause has taught me to listen to my body and adjust accordingly, and now I’m taking that same approach with my tech habits. I’m setting small, realistic goals—like not checking Instagram while in bed or maybe leaving my phone in the other room for an hour. Baby steps!
So, that’s my one resolution this year: reduce cell phone time. I’m giving myself permission to not have a laundry list of things I need to change. And you know what? It feels liberating!
What’s the one thing you are going to focus on?
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*EllenDolgen.com does not recommend, endorse, or make any representation about any tests, studies, practices, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, healthcare providers, physicians, or medical institutions that may be mentioned or referenced. The information, including opinions and recommendations, contained on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other healthcare provider.