September 7, 2015

Jill’s Story

Jill’s Story

I’m a firm believer in sharing. When we share our stories, we help others who are in the same perimenopause and menopause boat.  If you’d like to share your story, please email it to me at .

Here is Jill’s Story:

I’m fifty-six, married seventeen years with a sixteen-year-old daughter. I was in my late forties, early fifties, in therapy at the time, when I started crying a lot and feeling a lot of anxiety. I have a very high-pressure career. I couldn’t juggle it. I kept saying I hate my life, I hate my life.

It affected my relationship, because I would get angry so easily. I never really had the hot flashes. It was more anxiety and feeling like somebody had taken over my body. And I grew a big gut. And it wasn’t a slow thing at all. It all seemed to happen overnight.

I’d have deadlines and cry. I would drive to a client meeting and sit in the garage and cry. I didn’t want to meet the client because sometimes, things would come out of my mouth that I didn’t mean. I couldn’t control it.

I prayed, “Please, God, take this out of my body. Please take this out of my body.” And I’m not even someone who prays. I would cry, I can’t take this anymore.

After a while my therapist said, “I think you need to go see a gynecologist who specializes in menopause.” I went to see a noted hormone doctor in Beverly Hills who does his own bioidenticals. He met with me for an hour and a half. He put his hand on my arm and said, “You’re at the right place. I will take care of you.” He was a thousand dollars for the first visit.

And every time you order creams and vitamins, it was another two hundred fifty dollars every month. I left with a bunch of creams in little bottles where I had to twist the little capsule and the cream squeezes out a little bit. I was so confused how to do it. I just wanted to feel better.

I was so desperate I turned the capsule a whole notch. At a stoplight, I opened up the bag, put the cream on right in the car. I got home and took a bath, and then I thought, oh my god, I washed it off. So I put it on again. I put it on like lotion. I was wired like you wouldn’t believe. I couldn’t sleep all night. I must have put on a tablespoon.

I am a person who thinks more is better. If I use more, maybe I’ll feel a little better. I called the doctor, so confused, asking all these questions. Which one’s the progesterone? What’s the pink color for? Which one is the green? I just kept getting them confused, because I was so confused, and so that was a disaster.

Every visit was seven hundred dollars, plus all the pills and the creams and all that stuff. I spent five thousand dollars before deciding to try something else. I just didn’t feel any better.

I went to my acupuncturist, who put pins all over my lower abdomen. After every treatment, I’d leave relaxed, but within an hour the anxiety would rise.

I tried intravenous vitamins. No one had done any blood tests until I finally went to see an endocrinologist. She saw my hormone levels and put me on Premarin, but it just made me really crazy, just cuckoo.

Then I was connected with a menopause specialist in Newport Beach. I felt like I was walking a tight rope. Each time I tried something new, I just thought, Okay, maybe this’ll work. So it was sort of like slapping wet spaghetti on the wall, hoping maybe it’ll stick. For five years, nothing really worked. I didn’t feel right in my body. It was really hard.

Someone recommended a naturopath, who put me on all kinds of little tiny pills that you stick under your tongue and let dissolve. I must have spent a thousand dollars on those things and all kinds of other supplements.

I tried estrogen patches, from the lowest to the highest dose, and nothing worked. I went on anti-anxiety medication. I tried everything. I had two drawers filled with all the useless stuff.

After six doctors, I ended up with a nurse practitioner who is great. I’m on bioidentical capsules, and estrogen I and II. I’m still on anti-anxiety medication, and she doesn’t want to take me off until I’m out of school. I feel pretty well balanced except for the big gut thing. I don’t have the emotional swings. I don’t have my period anymore. But my libido is crappy. That’s probably the toughest part.

It was a long, expensive journey to find the help I needed.

I used to say, “I just want to jump off a bridge,” not to commit suicide but to scare the crap out of myself so it would change my hormones. Crazy, right? I even thought about a lobotomy.

I had an interview recently, and the guy asked, “What is one of the biggest feelings of success you’ve felt in your life?” I didn’t say it, but part of me wanted to say, “Getting through menopause.”

I think most women think doctors have all the answers. But I learned that if what they are doing is not working, you need to fire your doctor and try another one. I never gave up on myself. I knew that there were answers, and I finally found them. Everyone’s going to have their own process, but the most important thing is that you cannot give up.

Click here to download my free eBook, MENOPAUSE MONDAYS: The Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause.

Suffering in silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN! 


  1. Debra September 7, 2015 at 8:56 am - Reply

    Ellen and all the sisters in the temporary struggle. It is always helpful to know that we are not alone, it also give us other ideas in terms of help! Thanks so much Ellen to you and to Jill for sharing her story. I too have prayed to God to give me back my body, and I’m sure He will…

    • Ellen Dolgen September 7, 2015 at 9:15 am - Reply

      Be sure to download my free eBook for some help with your various symptoms, Debra.

  2. Michael September 7, 2015 at 11:28 am - Reply


  3. Jill Love September 8, 2015 at 3:31 am - Reply

    I’m happy for her. I don’t have the income to take the route she took. Drugs for menopausal women are ridiculously priced. No one cares. But a little blue pill for men is cheap. I gave up trying to get help. I need a much higher income for a resolution.

    • Ellen Dolgen September 8, 2015 at 9:45 am - Reply

      Don’t give up! See Carol’s post above…………

  4. Carol September 8, 2015 at 9:21 am - Reply

    I does not have to be that expensive. Check with your insurance company prior to seeing a doctor and what kind of medications your plan will cover. My nurse practitioner’ office visit and bloodwork was covered by my Blue Cross/Blue Sheild insurance except for a small copay. (I think it started as a well woman checkup) My bio identicals, however, were not covered. My NP worked the prescription so that by splitting the pills in half I could get a two month supply. It runs approximately 40 dollars a month. I get them from a very reputable compounding pharmacy in town. I do not take any creams or lotions, however for me the bio identicals made a world of difference. I could feel almost instant relief from headaches and other menopausal symptoms. Don’t give up-it may take time and effort to find what works for you, but so worth it!

  5. Deborah September 8, 2015 at 10:49 am - Reply

    Dear Jill, thanks SO much for sharing your story. it was really brave of you. it made me feel MUCH better as well. I am now on my 6th different HRT and rarely hear of other women having to do the same. The past four years have been horrendous and as you point out very expensive. Very glad you back in the land of the living, so am I, despite the medical profession. I have also just managed to get off the Xanax which has been very hard. By the way Menopause Guidelines have only just come out in the UK – 2015. Women’s health needs to be given far more priority. In fact it inspired me to write a blog and then a book, to make sure that other women weren’t in the same position. Ellen is a huge inspiration as hers was the first blog I found. x Deborah Crowe

    • Ellen Dolgen September 8, 2015 at 8:56 pm - Reply

      Thank YOU, Deborah, for sharing our story! I am so happy that you feel that the blogs at are helpful. Thank you so much for your sweet words.

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