Quick! What comes to mind when you think of the word “party”? The legendary toga party in Animal House? Jake Ryan’s house party in Sixteen Candles? The seniority in Dazed and Confused? Though all of these parties had different features—from ivy to paddles—they have one thing in common: the reason for celebration—each other. Parties exist for fun! Menopause Mondays®Parties are no different. As the taboo surrounding perimenopause and menopause (PM&M) are peeled away layer by layer like your clothes during a hot flash, more women are looking to parties for support, the latest information, resources, and sisterhood.
History has seen women either shoving their feelings under the rug or ignoring them altogether. Most women haven’t discussed perimenopause or menopause with their mothers, friends, or co-workers, and even fewer have dared to enter that territory with a grandmother.
We tend to sweep our symptoms under a rug and try to be “fine.” However, think of how much healthier it would be if we acknowledged that we are possibly experiencing perimenopausal symptoms and reached out for support. Acknowledgment brings acceptance, understanding, and understanding brings better relationships and a thirst for more knowledge. The result is hormone happiness within yourself and within your household.
Since many women don’t realize that perimenopause starts when you’re young. Only when the symptoms start affecting these women—hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, a crashing libido, irritability, or memory loss—do they realize they need help. Relationships with your spouse and/or children may become strained, and when unprepared without a Menopause Specialist or a support group, this can be very frustrating. You may feel like an alien has taken over your body.
You’re one in a million! Scratch that—You’re one in the estimated 50 MILLION women going through menopause today. About one in three women spend nearly half their lives going through perimenopause and menopause. Remember that you are not alone (50 million!), it is natural, and men go through menopause (andropause), too!
Time to throw a Menopause Mondays®Party!
Menopause Mondays®Parties help women celebrate themselves, speaking up and reaching out to friends and family for support. It’s a beautiful atmosphere for sharing your perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopausal questions. You can do this in person or virtually, whichever is best for you and your sisterhood.
If you’re one of the millions of women in perimenopause and menopause going to work every day, you may have to contend with a myriad of menopause symptoms in addition to your workload! Unfortunately, you can’t leave your menopause on the kitchen counter while you’re at the office. Menopause Mondays® Parties can easily be integrated into your company’s Corporate Wellness Program. The result of these events is quite astounding. Employees become more proactive about their menopausal healthcare and remain productive, healthy, and happy in the workplace and beyond.
With my Corporate Wellness Program, women (and men!) of all ages are bringing hormone happiness to the workplace. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn about perimenopause and menopause, ask the tough questions, and share laughs with your colleagues! If you are interested in throwing a Corporate Wellness Menopause Mondays® Party, reach out to your Human Resource Department and get one going! If you want me to speak/attend, email your request to ellen@ellendolgen.com.
Take a look at some fabulous Menopause Mondays®Parties that have taken place over the years. I think the most common response to these events is the way women connect and share their genuine concerns and frustrations with the process of menopause. You can sense the emotional release as a load of bricks are lifted off these women’s shoulders when they come together in this party atmosphere to open up and get feedback from each other. The overall vibe is relief and joy! It’s not an intense, medical lecture vibe, even though the parties provide serious help and resources to suffering women.
Aside from the therapeutic benefits, Menopause Mondays®Parties help women connect their friends to Menopause Specialists that have helped them with their journey. At Jeanne’s party in New York (filmed by WCBS), the women left with an even stronger bond than they came with!
Download these helpful party questions to get the party rolling: Menopause Mondays®Party Questions. Many women download my Menopause Mondays® Symptoms Chart so that they can discuss the symptoms together at the party.
No need to stress! Everyone’s party is unique and spirited. They can range from a casual get-together over coffee, tea, or cocktails to a themed dinner with personalized M&Ms.
Let’s speak up and share our challenges.
Throw a Menopause Mondays®Party to start the conversation (you don’t have to wear a toga). My Motto: Suffering in silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN!
Sign up for MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blogs
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Download my free eBook: MENOPAUSE MONDAYS the Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause.
*EllenDolgen.com does not recommend, endorse, or make any representation about any tests, studies, practices, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, healthcare providers, physicians, or medical institutions that may be mentioned or referenced.