The Clitoris, Uncovered!

The clitoris is not an isolated island in your anatomy. It is the center of female pleasure.

We all agree that the vagina is truly quite exceptional!  It expands and contracts to hold just about anything.  It is strong and can give birth to a 9-pound baby and snap back to its normal size.  I wish my hips were that exceptional.

But have you met the vagina’s friend, clitoris? Apparently, it has had lots of names over the years!

According to Scientific American, a French physician dissected this organ for the first time in 1545, he named it membre honteux, “the shameful member” and declared its sole purpose to be urination.  Clitoris comes from the Greek Kleitoris, translated means both “little hill” and “to rub”.

The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings………….. which is twice the amount that the penis has.  Unlike the penis that is always hanging out, 90% of the clitoris’s bulk lies beneath the surface.  Maybe that is why it took humans more than 2,000 years to understand the clitoris despite the fact that half the population has one!


It was interesting to learn that only 18 % of women have orgasms through vaginal intercourse alone.  Studies have found that all orgasms are clitoral.  It is the center of female pleasure.  The G-spot is not a new organ, it is the back of the clitoris. If you have been faking your orgasms, it might behoove you to introduce yourself and your partner to your clitoris! 

I love this French Clitoris 101 primer:

I hope this tutorial has been helpful!  The pleasure is all mine………..

Remember:  Suffering in silence is OUT!  Reaching out is IN.

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