Menopause Mondays: Hysterectomy FAQs Answered
Confused about hysterectomies? You aren’t alone. With the help of Dr. Lauren Streicher, Ellen Dolgen answers your most commonly asked questions about the procedure.
Confused about hysterectomies? You aren’t alone. With the help of Dr. Lauren Streicher, Ellen Dolgen answers your most commonly asked questions about the procedure.
By now, you’ve probably crawled into the attic or dug through the hall closet to retrieve your family’s Christmas decorations to prepare for trimming your home and tree. The holidays are a fun opportunity to let out our inner Martha, and sometimes the best redecorating project begins with downsizing. However, when it comes to our bodies, we should be cautious before we start throwing out what we think is no longer working.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to menopause. If you’re thinking about getting a hysterectomy, read more about it here with great information from Karen Giblin!