Pruebas de perimenopausia, menopausia y posmenopausia ¿Crees que podrías estar comenzando tu viaje menopáusico?

(Translated by Joanna Wurmann, Director of the fabulous women’s online magazine, [...]

Menopause Mondays: Ellen’s 5 Steps to Hormone Happiness, Step 4: Menopause and Testing

Tests....the mere word conjures memories of long-ago school days, folding myself uncomfortably into a tiny desk, preparing to wrangle with a grueling standardized test, my number two lead pencil cracking under the pressure of my intensity. Fortunately for us, when it comes to testing for hormone levels - no pencil is needed, and you really can't fail!

By |2024-05-30T08:29:14-07:00October 29, 2012|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|
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