Pruebas de perimenopausia, menopausia y posmenopausia ¿Crees que podrías estar comenzando tu viaje menopáusico?
(Translated by Joanna Wurmann, Director of the fabulous women’s online magazine, [...]
(Translated by Joanna Wurmann, Director of the fabulous women’s online magazine, [...]
Medical researchers have developed an approach for detecting breast cancer [...]
Your bones, hormones, and vitamin levels change when you enter perimenopause and menopause. Read up on the tests you should talk to your specialist about!
Tests....the mere word conjures memories of long-ago school days, folding myself uncomfortably into a tiny desk, preparing to wrangle with a grueling standardized test, my number two lead pencil cracking under the pressure of my intensity. Fortunately for us, when it comes to testing for hormone levels - no pencil is needed, and you really can't fail!