Menopause Mondays: Hurricane Sandy Relief

Have you ever paused and attempted to remember what you gave or received as gifts last year? Perimenopausal memory issues notwithstanding, most of us would have to think a while to remember. Lately, I’ve been wondering how to keep the sentiment of gift giving but change the gift into something a little more memorable.

By |2024-05-30T08:29:07-07:00November 26, 2012|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|

Ellen Dolgen in the News: Ellen’s Talk Featured on Menopausal Acne Solved

Ellen and Poise - showing her green and purple side. Taking over the interwebs - Ellen's talk about menopause and Shmirshky at La Vita’s “Wine, Women and Hormones” featured on Menopausal Acne Solved.

By |2024-05-30T08:29:26-07:00September 3, 2012|News|

Wet and not Romantic

New York in the fall: love it! Midtown......cocktails with friends....time to head back downtown. My sense of direction continually challenged, I bounced out of the hotel turning the wrong way heading up town. After four blocks I flipped around and was heading downtown. Then sprinkles came. No, not the kind on top of my favorite cupcake, the wet ones!

By |2024-05-30T09:01:12-07:00November 3, 2010|News|
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