Menopause Mondays: It’s Time for a Menopause Tune Up

Why are so many of us incredibly organized and attentive when it comes to the wellbeing of our cars, but not when it comes to the wellbeing of our primary vehicles (the bodies that we ride around in 24/7)?!?! If our cars groan, sputter, or smoke, we take them into the mechanic without a second of hesitation, but when our bodies are flashing, flushing, overheating, and experiencing many of the more than 30 symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, we far too often suffer in silence!

By |2024-05-30T08:27:47-07:00August 5, 2013|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|

Menopause Mondays: Ellen’s 5 Steps to Hormone Happiness, Step 4: Menopause and Testing

Tests....the mere word conjures memories of long-ago school days, folding myself uncomfortably into a tiny desk, preparing to wrangle with a grueling standardized test, my number two lead pencil cracking under the pressure of my intensity. Fortunately for us, when it comes to testing for hormone levels - no pencil is needed, and you really can't fail!

By |2024-05-30T08:29:14-07:00October 29, 2012|MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blog|
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