Ellen Dolgen in the News: Our Fabulous First Google Hangout
Don't fret if you missed our launch of Menopause Mondays Google Hangout; you can watch Sarah and me answer questions on YouTube
Don't fret if you missed our launch of Menopause Mondays Google Hangout; you can watch Sarah and me answer questions on YouTube
Tonight at 8pm EST/ 5pm PST I will be on genConnect Live hosting my very first Menopause MondaysTM Google Hangout
On April 1 at 8pm EST/ 5pm PST I will be on genConnect Live hosting my very first Menopause MondaysTM Google Hangout
Watch Ellen Dolgen TV with Abby Huntsman on HuffPost Live, Topic: "Blame it On Menopause". TheThreeTomatoes, Huff/Post50 and GenConnect feature "You, Regenerated, in 2013. Happy New You!". Want to win an amazing set of cookware from Pampered Chef? Sign up for Ellen’s February Giveaway.