Shmirshky News: CBS LA and more!

Lots of fun stuff in Shmirshky Land these days. Dueling Hormones chit chat with CBS LA and "How to Meet Your Mother" with the students of UCSD!

menopause talk at the zone

Here’s a look at the latest and greatest in Shmirshky Land!

I dropped in to CBS LA to talk about women in perimenopause and menopause and children in puberty living under the same roof. It’s dueling hormones people! Click through here for the video clip:

My son, Jack, joined me at the UCSD student wellness center, The Zone, for a, “How to Meet Your Mother” talk (pictured above). We had a great group of students who were engaged and learned a whole heck of a lot about interacting with the menopausal women in your life. I’m so impressed with these students. They were great! Check out The Zone blog about it here:

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