sexless in the city…..

Sexless in the City is not a movie you want to star in!  This one doesn’t have gorgeous slinky outfits or exotic scenery.   The only thing BIG in this movie – is me.  This is why my movie wardrobe consists of elastic banded sweats and waistless dresses.  There is one very poignant recurring line in this movie, “When did all of my clothes shrink?”

Instead of heading to Abu Dhabi like Carrie and the gang, I head to the kitchen where I submerse my PM&M frenzy into something gooey like a sundae (no yams).  These scenes are neither sultry, sexy nor exotic!

Sexless, sleepless nights are a dreaded recurrence for many shmirshkies in PM&M …so do not feel alone.  Drooping hormone levels cause your libido to vanish (Does anyone have David Copperfield’s number?) and your shmirshky to feel like it was abandoned in the Sahara Desert.

It is time to find a great movie director (doctor) that specializes in directing PM&M movies.   I refuse to waste another second lingering in this C movie….look out Samantha!

Are they wandering through the Desert of hot flashes?
Are they wandering through the Desert of hot flashes?
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