The FDA has approved the first pill for women who experience pain during sex because of menopause. Called Osphena, it treats menopausal symptoms that make the vaginal tissue thinner and more fragile.
Can breastfeeding prevent Celiac disease later in life? Researchers explore how to prevent, not just treat, the digestive disease.
Avocado lovers, rejoice! A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the growth of breast cancer tumors by 30 percent, according to new research from the University of Guelph in Canada.
Watson will see you now. IBM’s Watson—the robot that beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy—is now churning through hospital cases, learning to make diagnoses and treatment recommendations. How far will the automation of medicine go?
Shop Sisterhood-Recommended Products Are you hot flashing and flushing? is featuring discounts for great menopause products! Available now: cooling clothes, a sleek and discrete chargeable fan, and a spray that can boost your energy, immune system, and metabolism. Say Ellen sent you with promo code “ellend” to save serious cash!
Stock Your Bookshelves Check out Hot Women, Cool Solutions: How to control menopause symptoms using mind/body techniques, a new book featuring a testimonial from Ellen. Order now and receive bonus gifts from bestselling authors and health authorities.
Win a Book and Free Consultation This is the last day you can enter to win Dr. Streicher’s The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy: Advice From a Gynecologist on Your Choices Before, During, and After Surgery and a 15-minute private phone consultation with her. (Bonus: You can also win a cozy robe and personal lubricant!) Enter now!
Watch This ABC’s comedy pilot “Middle Age Rage” has cast “Bridesmaids” writer and actress Annie Mumolo in the lead role. She will play a middle-aged wife and mother who is tired of being taken for granted, ignored, and walked all over, and starts speaking her mind.
For the Record “Menopause Mondays: Hysterectomy FAQsAnswered” posted on February 18, 2013 contained a boo-boo. The original article stated that cancerous cells were the most common cause of hysterectomy. However, uterine fibroids are the number-one reason the procedure is performed. About 15 percent of hysterectomies are performed because of cancer or pre-cancerous cells of the uterus, ovary, cervix, or endometrium, according to Streicher. The article has been corrected.
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