Every woman you know is going to go through menopause someday. Basically, menopause
is the tampon-free time in a woman’s life. Sounds breezy, right? Who wouldn’t want to live
without her period? Well, the transition from the tampon-wearing time in your life to the tampon-free time can get quite rocky and extremely challenging.
The Process Begins with Perimenopause
Perimenopause generally lasts from six to ten years – a time that is often filled with all sorts of not-so-fun symptoms that we typically associate with the word “menopause” (more on that below). When you have been without a period or any breakthrough bleeding (not even a drop!) for 12 consecutive months, you have graduated to menopause. Sorry, there is no official cap-and-gown ceremony for this graduation. After this… you begin your journey into post-menopause.
Unfortunately, the term menopause is often used to describe the perimenopausal stage and/or the postmenopausal stage. The important thing to understand is that menopause, generally speaking, is a process, and each woman’s experience is unique.
When Does Menopause Begin?
Perhaps the most common myth about menopause is that it occurs when you’re old. That is so NOT TRUE! Most women first begin to experience perimenopause in their early to mid-forties. Some women begin to have symptoms in their thirties, which can result in premature menopause or early menopause. Keep in mind that these are relative terms. Everyone is different, and there are many factors that contribute to menopausal timing, including genetics, medical conditions, and surgical history (women who undergo a hysterectomy traditionally jump right into menopause). The average age of menopause is 51.
Menopause Symptoms
There are many symptoms typically associated with perimenopause and menopause. Each woman may experience one or many of these to different degrees. Some breeze through perimenopause and menopause with few symptoms, while others deal with a tremendous number of challenges. Be sure to use my free Menopause Symptoms Chart to keep track of your symptoms and help you effectively communicate with your menopause specialist about how you feel.
I find it helpful to break down the symptoms into physical symptoms and cognitive-psychological ones.
But wait, there’s more!
Cognitive-Psychological Symptoms
Yes, it’s quite a list, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Keeping track of your symptoms, educating yourself, and seeking the right medical advice can make all the difference. For more empowering information and practical tools to navigate menopause with confidence, take my Fearless Vagina™ Menopause Course.
You’ve got this!
Stay fearless, fabulous, and informed!
Suffering in silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN!
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Start your week with confidence and clarity! Sign up for the Fearless Menopause Mondays® Newsletter and get empowering insights, expert tips, and inspiring stories delivered straight to your inbox. Designed to help you take charge of your health, happiness, and hormones, this weekly dose of motivation is your key to a fearless, fabulous life. Don’t miss out—subscribe today and make every Monday fearless!
There is a menopause revolution underway. Women everywhere are demanding more information and better resources to understand and address their premenopausal fertility, perimenopause, and postmenopausal symptoms, as well as the impacts on their long-term health. Fearless Vagina™ is the answer to that call. Vetted by leading menopause and fertility specialists, this menopause course is the ultimate guide.
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