EllenDolgen.com got a facelift!

An exciting addition to my offerings is the introduction of Menopause Mondays® Virtual Hormone Happy Hour Support Group! Subscribers will hear from amazing menopause experts, ask questions & get answers, stay up on the latest information & studies, and bask in the warmth, comfort, and encouragement of others on similar journeys. Information is power!

Dearest You,

I am hoping that you and your family have been well during the recent COVID 19 Pandemic.

EllenDolgen.com has recently had a facelift.  My face is next……….stay tuned for more on that at another time.

To address the demands of my multilingual and international clients, I recently joined up with Joanna Wurmann, the director of MujeryPunto.com, a fabulous online site dedicated to women.  Born in Chile almost ten years ago, their online presence has expanded to the entire globe, especially to Spanish-speaking countries and the US, reaching over 2 Million subscribers. Joanna has begun to translate some of my Menopause Mondays® hot New Flashes into Spanish.  You can find them here: Menopause Mondays En Español.

An exciting addition to my offerings is the introduction of Menopause Mondays® Virtual Hormone Happy Hour Support Group! Subscribers will hear from amazing menopause experts, ask questions & get answers, stay up on the latest information & studies, and bask in the warmth, comfort, and encouragement of others on similar journeys. Information is power! Think of this support group as a monthly cocktail party where you can laugh and learn about perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.  Get the help that you need and deserve. Learn more here!

Think of EllenDolgen.com as your Menopause Library. It is full of helpful information to guide you on your journey:

Stay well,


Remember:  Suffering in silence is OUT!  Reaching out is IN.

Sign up for MENOPAUSE MONDAYS® Blogs

Download my free eBook: MENOPAUSE MONDAYS the Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram @menopause_mondays.

Sign up for my fun YouTube Videos!

*EllenDolgen.com does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about any tests, studies, practices, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, healthcare providers, physicians, or medical institutions that may be mentioned or referenced.



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