Here’s some smoking hot news for you! In a recent research study published online in the journal Menopause, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania report the first evidence showing that smoking causes earlier signs of menopause. The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Perelman School of Medicine Translational and Clinical Research Center, and the Perelman School of Medicine Center of Excellence for Diversity.
In an announcement of the study’s findings, it was noted that although previous studies have shown smoking hastens menopause by approximately one to two years regardless of race or genetic background, this study is the first of its kind to demonstrate that genetic background is significantly associated with a further increased risk of menopause in some white women who smoke. In the case of heavy smokers, this can be up to nine years earlier than average in white women with certain genetic variations. Genetic variation refers to diversity in gene frequencies, and can refer to differences between individuals or to differences between populations. In this case, we’re talking about differences between individual women in the study. The genetic variants were present in 62 percent of white women in the study population.
“We already know that smoking causes early menopause in women of all races, but these new results show that if you are a white smoker with these specific genetic variants, your risk of entering menopause at any given time increases dramatically,” said the study’s lead author, Samantha F. Butts, MD, MSCE (yes, that’s really her last name), assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Penn Medicine.
Smoking can also make menopausal symptoms more severe. No if ands or butts–smoking is not cool, especially if it is bringing on hot flashes that rival global warming.
Dr. Sarah Nyante of the US National Cancer Institute released a study that found that women smokers are 19% more susceptible to develop breast cancer after menopause than women who don’t smoke after menopause.
Have you put down that cigarette yet? has four more reasons to consider living your life smoke-free:
Aging Skin
In addition to its effects on menopause, smoking can do a number on your skin. Smoking can cause skin to be dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles and stretch marks. A smoker’s skin tone may become dull and grayish. Let’s face it (pun intended), it’s simply not fashionably chic; a grayish skin tone, brownish fingers from tobacco stains and yellowish teeth clash horribly.
Belly Fat
Most women find that they suddenly become members of the sisterhood of the shrinking pants during menopause. As if that is not frustrating enough, many smokers find that those menopausal muffin tops (the belly fat dripping over your pants) are getting bigger and they have less muscle tone than non-smokers. In addition, smokers have much more difficult time controlling diabetes.
Lower estrogen levels
Did you know that smoking lowers a female’s level of estrogen? There are so many other symptoms of low estrogen for example, dry skin, thinning hair, and memory problems. BTW if you or someone you love is interested in getting preggers – definitely put down that cigarette. Women who smoke have a harder time getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Other smoke-related health problems
The average age for onset of menopause (when you have been without a period for 12 consecutive months) is 51. According to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), during and after menopause, your risk of other health conditions rises, and smoking increases that risk even more, including: Heart disease , stroke, breast cancer and diabetes. There are so many other smoke –related health issues that you put yourself at increased risk for like: decreased bone density, rheumatoid arthritis, gum disease, ulcers, post-surgical complications, and depression.
The good news
Now are you ready to quit? Margery L.S. Gass, MD, NCMP, executive director of NAMS, has some good news to share with us. She notes that women who quit smoking before age 40 erase most of the risk of early death. The risk of stroke and heart disease drops quickly after you stop smoking. (The risk of cancers drops more slowly.) Women who quit by age 50 buy back about six years, and those who quit by age 60 gains about four years of the decade they’d lose if they didn’t quit.
I don’t know about you, but many women hope to kick butt when it comes to menopause. If you’re a smoker, this might just give you the incentive to kick the habit for good.