Menopause News Flash: New Menopause Alliance Aims to Educate Women on Vaginal Discomfort/More Women Under 50 Should Be Receiving Regular Mammograms

Vaginas, rejoice! Novo Nordisk has just launched GLAM™ (Great Life After Menopause). Five outspoken women’s health advocates joining together to empower women to break the taboo around vaginal health and seek the help they need and deserve. I’m excited to be a key spokesperson for the alliance! Read more about the GLAM™ (Great Life After Menopause) alliance. #NovoNordiskSponsor

Menopause News Flash – research, news and information
No need to go scouring the Internet. I’m here for you with all the latest menopause news.

Vaginas, rejoice! Novo Nordisk has just launched GLAM™ (Great Life After Menopause). Five outspoken women’s health advocates joining together to empower women to break the taboo around vaginal health and seek the help they need and deserve.  I’m excited to be a key spokesperson for the alliance! Read more about the GLAM™ (Great Life After Menopause) alliance. *NovoNordisksponsor

Under 50? You still need regular mammograms. A new analysis published in Cancer shows that half of all breast cancer deaths occur in women under the age of 50—most of whom have never been screened.

Tell your husbands! “Man-opause” isn’t all about testosterone. It turns out, low levels of estrogen are partly responsible for the symptoms of male menopause, according to new research from Massachusetts General Hospital. Now you two really have something to bond over!

Forget the flu! For the first time, this year, pharmacists will offer a vaccine that protects against four—rather than three—strains of the flu virus. Plus, it’s available as both a shot and nasal spray. Learn more about the vaccine.

A University of Iowa physiologist has devised a new way to measure the stiffness of the aorta, which is a common risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The best part? It’s as simple as taking the pulse in your finger.

Hate veggies? You really can learn to like them! Prolonged, regular consumption of even nasty-tasting foods actually alter taste receptor cells so you come to tolerate—or even like—them, according to new research from UC Santa Barbara.


September is Menopause Awareness Month, and we’re celebrating with a very special Menopause Awareness Month edition of Menopause Mondays!

On September 16th at 8:30 PM EST, Ellen will host a live and interactive Google Hangout. Hangout panelists will share their menopause stories, and Ellen will answer Hangout attendees’ questions about everything menopause!

Would you like a chance to be one of our live panelists during the Hangout?  All you need is a computer with a microphone and a webcam. If you’ve got a menopause story to share, submit it to Ellen by September 10th. Panelists will receive a choice of an autographed copy of Ellen’s book, Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness; a Menopause Mondays mouse pad; or a Menopause Mondays iPhone cover.

New to Google Hangouts? No problem! Follow these steps, and you’ll be a hangout hotshot in no time! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. RSVP to the Hangout invitation.

2. You will receive a reminder from Google via your Gmail account to attend the hangout. Click the link in the reminder, and you’ll go straight to the hangout page. If you miss the reminder, simply visit the Hangout invitation on the day and time of the Hangout.

3. You can submit your menopause questions for Ellen in real time during the Hangout via the chat feature on the Hangout page, or you can send them to Ellen in advance at

That’s it! You’re now a Hangout hotshot!

See you on September 16th!


“The Woman’s Guide to Managing Migraine- Understanding the Hormone Connection”  by Susan Hutchinson, MD. Enter to win here.


Check out the Products That May Help You and get discounts on great menopause products, courtesy of Available now: botanically based vegan & gluten-free beauty-health-wellness products, cooling clothes, a sleek and discrete chargeable fan, a “Hot Flash Havoc” documentary, and a natural menopause relief formula. Enter promo code “ellend” to save serious cash!

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