Menopause News Flash: Current News on Breast Cancer & more!

No need to go scouring the Internet. I’m here for you with links to all the latest menopause news. Click through to stay in the know!

Read the latest on breast cancer and the effects hormones have, straight from the American Cancer Society.

All the HRT flip-flopping have you confused? Read this for some clarity!

Vivian Diller offers a way to Give Your Beauty Self-Esteem a Boost! Go on, you deserve it!

Dry skin, insomnia, bladder irritability: Could it be premature menopause?

If you want to keep menopause symptom treatment natural, consult with your doctor and consider this study where women found soy helpful for hot flashes!

Wabi Sabi Love, by Arielle Ford, came out on January 5th. It teaches readers how to find perfect love in an imperfect relationship through the Japanese practice of Wabi Sabi. If you’re living with Mr. Grumpy, this could be right down your alley…

Debates in Canada continue over how old is “too old” to become a mother. What do you think?



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