Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness is turning 1 year old in March!
To all who have supported Shmirshky over the past year, thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you. The more we discuss perimenopause and menopause, the closer women everywhere are to getting the help they need and deserve. You are our heroes!
To celebrate, we are hosting a giveaway from 3/1/12 at 12AM EST to 4/1/12 at 12AM EST.
15 winners will receive:
- A copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness
- A Shmirshky tank top
- A Dry Babe nightgown for your night sweats
- A Kool Tool towel for your hot flashes
Here’s how to enter:
First: Gain 2 Entries by Signing Up for Menopause Mondays (if you are already signed up, congratulations! You’re already eligible to participate!)
Second: Participate in Any/All of the Following:
- 2 Entries: “Like” Shmirshky on Facebook
- 2 Entires: Follow @Shmirshky on Twitter
- 1 Entry: Tweet About the Giveaway
- 1 Entry: Share the Giveaway on Facebook
- 1 Entry: “Like” Dry Babe on Facebook
- 1 Entry: Follow @DryBabe on Twitter
- 1 Entry: “Like” Kool Tool on Facebook
- 1 Entry: Follow @KoolTool1 on Twitter
The more entries you have, the better your chances of winning!
Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness is the easy-to-use toolkit for women of all ages and the people who love them. What makes Shmirshky so great:
- A detailed description of the 34 symptoms (you’re not alone!)
- The Menopause Symptoms Chart
- A hormone replacement therapy brand chart (is your HRT bioidentical?)
- Tips on finding a menopause specialist
- A list and description of important tests you should ask your doctor about
- Hilarious, heartfelt stories
I have traveled the country talking about a topic most women are uncomfortable discussing – perimenopause and menopause. Here are some of the highlights:
Video: The Year in Shmirshkyland
- Shmirshky developed a Doctor Directory with doctors recommended by you!
- Women across the nation turned to Menopause Parties for support and got a bathrobe in the process
- Talking perimenopause and menopause on “The Rachael Ray Show”
- Appearing on “The Doctors”
- Regular appearances on FOX 5 San Diego
- Good Day New York with Countess LuAnn de Lesseps to Celebrate World Menopause Day
- WCBS New York Menopause Party
- Becoming a regular contributor to Huff/Post 50, the Huffington Post‘s newest site that targets over 116 million Americans over age 50
- Oprah Radio with Dr. Laura Berman
- Sirius XM’s Playboy Radio on channel 102 with Tiffany Granath
- Sirius XM’s “Broadminded” radio show on channel 107 for a Menopause Party and again with Dr. Lawrence Nelson from the National Institutes of Health (and again on 3/20!)
- Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio on channel 81 with Dr. Miriam Greene, OB/GYN (Dr. Greene was Miranda’s OB/GYN in Sex and the City!)
- NPR’s “Tell Me More” for a discussion on menopause
- “Magnificent Menopause and Beyond” radio show with Gail Edgell and Carrie Pierce
- Corporate Wellness Events at SD Hospice and at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest
- I was featured on and/or continue to write guest blogs for genConnect, Red Hot Mamas, Living Better at 50, Truth2BeingFit, Menopause ChitChat, The Three Tomatoes, Vibrant Nation, We Help Women, The Big M, The Celebrated Life, The Boomer Brief, and more!
We appreciate your support and promise to continue providing you with the most up-to-date perimenopause and menopause information. Please celebrate Shmirshky‘s 1st birthday with us and good luck in the giveaway!
Remember: Reaching out is IN. Suffering in silence is OUT!