I love to celebrate! I love to have a week – and sometimes month long birthday celebrations. You can never celebrate life too much.
This month is National Menopause Awareness Month.
Have you ever celebrated this?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that’s what I figured! Well, it’s time you do, “It’s Your Time!”
So what is “your” time? It’s time you put yourself on your own to-do list….right there on the top. Yes, this week, focus on YOU! No excuses. You have to make the time – you DESERVE it!
For those of you who are in perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause or think you might be headed in that direction, start by asking yourself a few simple questions:
Are you tired, or down?
Are you sleepless?
Are you depressed?
Are you anxious?
Is your house full of post-it notes because you can’t remember a thing?
Do you think somehow, over night, you have joined the secret sisterhood of the shrinking pants?
Do you have bursts of uncontrollable crying?
Would you rather mop the kitchen floor than have sex?
Are you unusually irritable and exhausted?
Are you hot???? As in hot flushes, hot flashes, or night sweats.
Does everyone in your family think you need an exorcism?
Do you feel like an alien has taken over your body?
If you find that you are having some or all of the above symptoms, start charting your symptoms – it’s an easy way to take care of YOU!
While you are doing that, find yourself a wonderful menopause specialist to partner with you so that you can get the help you deserve!
This is the month to do it! Celebrate Menopause Awareness Month by taking care of “YOU.” Trust how you feel and get the help you need and deserve.
We are all in the pursuit of hormone happiness – you can find it – I did!
My Motto: Suffering in Silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN!