Sleepless? Gaining weight? Feeling like you’re going crazy? Stop suffering and get help today! To celebrate National Menopause Awareness Month, we’ve made it even easier for everyone to get a copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness with a VERY special, limited time only discount.
Starting NOW through September 25th, the Shmirshky e-book will be on sale for $2.99 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes.
Who needs a copy of Shmirshky? EVERYONE! At $2.99, you can afford to buy a copy for:
– Your husband who is wondering, “What happened to my wife?”
– Your kids who are thinking, “Why can’t mom remember our names?”
– Your girlfriend, who can’t stop sweating through your lunch dates.
– Your doctor, who can go through the Shmirshky Symptoms Chart with you to help you achieve hormone happiness!
– Your entire book club (because you’re sick of reading about teenage wizard vampires and it’s a great way to finally get that Shmirshky Party going!)
The Shmirshky team has been hard at work to arrange this HUGE discount for you!
Let’s be honest, $2.99 is a small price to pay to stop feeling like an alien has taken over your body!