Living Life with Purpose

How to ignite a new sense of purpose in your life.

Perimenopause and menopause signify a new chapter in a woman’s life. At this stage, many women simply decide to rewrite the entire book.

With the change of life come obvious physical changes — hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain… the list goes on. Many menopausal women seek balance in their lives, often focusing on the spiritual as well as the physical. Their priorities often shift as they take this opportunity for self-reflection and a renewed focus. We may find a renewed sense of purpose.

We’re older and wiser. We have a lot to contribute to the community we live in!

In an article by the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota, expert Richard Leider suggests two core practices for living with purpose: contemplation and activation. Contemplation refers to seeking answers to questions about who you are, how you should live, and where you belong. Activation, as the word implies, is actually living your truth.

Following are some methods you can use to achieve these goals:

  • Review the day’s events each evening for 5-10 minutes. Which experiences were life-giving? Which was life-draining?
  • Meditation increases one’s sense of life purpose.
  • Keeping a journal can be a helpful way to reflect and express yourself honestly. Allow yourself to write freely.
  • Writing your life story. Reflect upon where you have been, the events that have shaped who you are today, and the future you imagine for yourself. What obstacles do you see ahead? How will you overcome them?
  • Pay attention to your dreams.

I came across this video from 2014 where I explained my new focus in life which had emerged from my perimenopausal journey.  I made a personal commitment to living life more fully, with greater meaning.



Has menopause ignited a new sense of purpose in your life?

Remember:  Suffering in silence is OUT!  Reaching out is IN.

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* does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about any tests, studies, practices, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, healthcare providers, physicians, or medical institutions that may be mentioned or referenced.



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