Important Link Between Daily Physical Activity And Vascular Health
Did you resolve to live a healthier life in 2015? Then keep exercising! New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine shows just how important diligent, daily physical activity is. The researchers found that reducing daily physical activity for even a few days leads to decreases in the function of the inner lining of blood vessels in the legs of young, healthy subjects causing vascular dysfunction that can have prolonged effects.
Exercise Helps Menopause Symptoms And Quality of Life
More studies encouraging us to exercise! Middle aged women who exercise regularly report a higher quality of life and reduced symptoms of menopause, according to a study published in the January 2015 issue of Maturitas (The European Menopause Journal).
Vitamin D Highlights: Nutrient Or Hormone?
Do you think of your Vitamin D supplement as hormone replacement therapy? “By definition, vitamin D is a hormone,” Holick told MedPage Today. “The body synthesizes it after sun exposure, and it’s activated by the liver and kidneys. That activated form again acts like a hormone to regulate calcium metabolism.”
Study Links Hot Flashes, Night Sweats To Hip Fracture Risk
Women who experience moderate to severe hot flashes and night sweats during menopause tend to have lower bone mineral density and higher rates of hip fracture than peers who do not have menopausal symptoms, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Postmenopausal women face a greater risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become structurally weak and more likely to break, than either younger women or men.