Menopause News Flash: How You Can Help Families Devastated by Tornadoes in Oklahoma

This week in perimenopause and menopause news: How to help Oklahoma tornado victims, the new way to up your osteoporosis drug's power, the heart benefits of hormone replacement therapy, and the best diet for your memory.

Menopause News Flash

To support those affected by the tornadoes across the Midwest, donate here through Team Rubicon. This organization unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. You can be assured that your dollars will reach the victims of this horrible disaster.

Bone up! A combo of two FDA-approved osteoporosis drugs with different mechanisms of action increases bone density better than either drug does alone, according to new research from Massachusetts General Hospital.

Hormone Replacement Therapy in newly perimenopausal and menopausal women may reduce the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and death, says a new Danish study.

Friendly fats: A Mediterranean diet rich in extra virgin olive oil and unsaturated fats improves brainpower better than a low-fat diet does, according to new research in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.




Tune in: In case you missed Ellen’s interview Tuesday with January Jones on Blog Talk Radio, it will be re-aired on The Women 4 Women Network at on Friday, May 24 at 9pm EST/6pm PST, and again on on Saturday, May 25 at 10am EST/7am PST. To hear the interview at any time after Saturday, click here.

Party in person! On Monday, June 3 from 5pm to 7pm, grab some girlfriends and head to Burlap Restaurant in Del Mar, California, for the launch of Menopause Mondays Live; brought to you by Ellen and Burlap. Bonus: Blow Me Cool fans will be available free for attendees. Click here to RSVP.

May’s Giveaway: Enter to win wicking sleepwear from Cool-jams! Good luck, sisters!

Is it hot in here or is it just you? Get discounts on great menopause products, courtesy of Available now: cooling clothes, a sleek and discrete chargeable fan, a “Hot Flash Havoc” documentary, and a natural menopause relief formula. Enter promo code “ellend” to save serious cash!

Let’s hang out! The first Monday of every month, Ellen is hosting her Menopause Mondays Google Hangouts: Where the Sisterhood helps the Sisterhood. For June, she is switching things up with a morning event at 8:30am PST/11:30am EST that will include Dr. Josh Trutt, a menopause and healthy aging expert from PhysioAge Medical Group in New York City. Send your questions in here! Then grab a coffee (instead of a cocktail!) and get ready to ask Ellen and Dr. Trutt your menopause questions at this free online event! Sign up here.


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