Ellen Dolgen in the News: Dec. 6th Catch Ellen on VoiceAmerica.com-Hormonal Happy Hour with Dr. DeRosa

Dec. 6th Catch Ellen on VoiceAmerica.com-Hormonal Happy Hour with Dr. DeRosa. Don't forget to enter our Holiday Giveaway and you may enjoy the season tucked in your brand new, cozy bathrobe, reading an autographed copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness and win an 8 pack of Probiotic Skincare ($250 retail value) and $25 off a patient’s first Rx with La Vita.

Be sure to catch Ellen, December 6th on  Hormonal Happy Hour with Dr DeRosa Aka dr hot flash. On voiceamerica.com. 1PM (PST) on the Health and Wellness Channel.

Menopause The Blog features Ellen Dolgen in What I’m Reading This Week.

Check out our Giveaways page and enroll in the giveaway to win a cozy new bathrobe, an autographed copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of  hormone happiness, 8 pack of Probiotic Skincare ($250 retail value) and $25 off a patient’s first Rx with La Vita!

Don’t miss last week’s “Menopause Mondays: Hurricane Sandy Relief” as featured on Yahoo! ShineFabulously 40SocialMomsVibrant NationMenopause Chit Chat and The Boomer Blogs. Have you ever paused and attempted to remember what you gave or received as gifts last year? Perimenopausal memory issues notwithstanding, most of us would have to think a while to remember. Lately, I’ve been wondering how to keep the sentiment of gift giving but change the gift into something a little more memorable. Also be sure not to miss Ellen’s “Chilled Dish for a Happy Thanksgiving” and “Happy Nutritious Holidays” featured on WeHelpWomen.com.

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