Don’t miss Menopause Mondays: “Easy Ways To Show Off Your Personality With Color” featured on Huffington Post.
“The Menopausal Immune System: In Defense of a Germophobe” featured on Generation Fabulous
“What Your Favorite Clothes Color Says About You” featured on BlogHer and Menopause Chit Chat
“Mood Hues: What Your Outfit Says About You” featured on Fabulously40 and The Boomer Blog
“Why You Should Wear More Color” featured on Vibrant Nation and SocialMoms
Let’s hang out! September is Menopause Awareness Month! Celebrate by joining us for a special Menopause Awareness Month Menopause Mondays on Monday, September 16th at 5:30PM PST 8:30 EST! Ellen will be hosting a live and interactive Google Hangout where guests will discuss their own menopause stories and Ellen will answer audience questions about everything menopause!
If you want to share your menopausal story on-camera during the Hangout, submit your menopause story to Ellen at by September 10th. All you need is a microphone and a video camera on your computer. If you have any questions you want answered, comments, or feedback from the last Hangout email them to Sign up here!
September Giveaway: Enter to win “The Woman’s Guide to Managing Migraine” Understanding the Hormone Connection to find Hope and Wellness by Susan Hutchinson, MD.
Is it hot in here or is it just you? Is it hot in here or is it just you? Check out the Products That May Help You and get discounts on great menopause products, courtesy of Available now: botanically based vegan & gluten-free beauty-health-wellness products, cooling clothes, a sleek and discrete chargeable fan, a “Hot Flash Havoc” documentary, and a natural menopause relief formula. Enter promo code “ellend” to save serious cash!