I spent last Friday on HuffPost Live talking about male menopause. We often think of menopause as only affecting women later in life. But men including Merrill Osmond, lead singer of the Osmonds rock band, can also face “the change.” Watch me discuss male menopause with Dr. Gino Tutera, leader in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), and Dori Hartley, HuffPost blogger and author.
Also don’t miss last week’s “Menopause Mondays: Recognizing Female Heart Attack Symptoms Can Save Your Life” as featured in Vibrant Nation, Fabulously 40, Menopause Chit Chat, Social Moms, The Boomer Blogs, Yahoo! Voices and genConnect. A woman’s risk of heart disease rises with menopause. And the symptoms of a heart attack in women are different than those in men. Learn how to spot the signs of a heart attack to save your life. If this story encourages just one woman to go for a check up, then I’ll feel that I did a good service to my sisters.
Huffington Post and The Three Tomatoes features “Menopause Mondays: Hysterectomy FAQs Answered”
I had a ball with the editor at BodyScience Medical. She interviewed me last week about my journey to hormonal happiness and my women’s health advocacy.
Save the date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 10 am ET, I will be on “January Jones Sharing Success Stories” at BlogTalkRadio.com.
Hugs to Gayle who won The Ellen Dolgen February Giveaway! Gayle won a free phone consultation with renowned gynecologist Dr. Lauren Streicher and a signed copy of her latest book The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy: Advice From a Gynecologist on Your Choices Before, During, and After Surgery … plus...the icing on the cake … a bottle of lube and a comfy bath robe!
Enjoy, xo… Now enter to win The Ellen Dolgen March Giveaway…