Watch Ellen Dolgen TV with Abby Huntsman on HuffPost Live, Topic: “Blame it On Menopause”.
TheThreeTomatoes, Huff/Post50 and GenConnect feature “You, Regenerated, in 2013. Happy New You!”.
Take a moment and vote for yours truly on HealthLine’s Best Health Blog of 2012! You can vote once a day.
Don’t miss last week’s “Menopause Mondays: Check Out New Year’s New CoverGirl!” as featured on Fabulously 40, SocialMoms, Vibrant Nation, Menopause Chit Chat, The Boomer Blogs. When you think of a CoverGirl, what do you envision? What qualities earn someone the title of CoverGirl? Do you think of internal beauty, as well as external? What does CoverGirl mean to YOU?
It’s January, which means that everyone is tightening their purse-strings, and eating IN instead of OUT. What could make a better giveaway than some awesome cookware from Pampered Chef? Please take a minute to enter my giveaway contest – you might be very happy come February!