Ellen Dolgen in the News: GenConnect and WeHelpWomen feature Ellen’s ‘Redecorate my what? Is hysterectomy the right theme this holiday?’

'Redecorate my what? Is hysterectomy the right theme this holiday?' featured on GenConnect and WeHelpWomen. Don't forget to enter our Holiday Giveaway and you may enjoy the season tucked in your brand new, cozy bathrobe, reading an autographed copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness and win an 8 pack of Probiotic Skincare ($250 retail value) and $25 off a patient’s first Rx with La Vita.

Listen to Ellen Dolgen on  Hormonal Happy Hour with Dr DeRosa Aka dr hot flash on voiceamerica.com on the Health and Wellness Channel.

GenConnect features Ellen’s Menopause Mondays Is ‘Hysterectomy’ the Right Theme for You This Holiday Season? by Ellen Dolgen

Ellen Dolgen’s “Redecorate my what? Is hysterectomy the right theme this holiday?” featured on WeHelpWomen

Check out our Giveaways page and enroll in the giveaway to win a cozy new bathrobe, an autographed copy of Shmirshky: the pursuit of  hormone happiness, 8 pack of Probiotic Skincare ($250 retail value) and $25 off a patient’s first Rx with La Vita!

Don’t miss last week’s “Menopause Mondays: Re-decorate my what? Is hysterectomy the right theme this holiday?” as featured on Yahoo! ShineFabulously 40SocialMomsVibrant NationMenopause Chit Chat and The Boomer Blogs. By now, you’ve probably crawled into the attic or dug through the hall closet to retrieve your family’s Christmas decorations to prepare for trimming your home and tree. The holidays are a fun opportunity to let out our inner Martha, and sometimes the best redecorating project begins with downsizing. However, when it comes to our bodies, we should be cautious before we start throwing out what we think is no longer working.

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