Ellen Dolgen in the News: Wednesday at 8AM EST, Tune into “Broadminded” SIRIUS XM Stars Radio -Channel 107 as Ellen and “The Broads” talk Vaginal Atrophy!

Start your day, Wednesday, January 30that 8AM EST, SIRIUS XM Stars Radio- Channel 107 with Ellen and “The Broads” talking about Vaginal Atrophy! Want to win an amazing set of cookware from Pampered Chef? Sign up for Ellen’s February Giveaway.

Start your day, Wednesday, January 30that 8AM EST, SIRIUS XM  Stars Radio- Channel 107 with Ellen and “The Broads” talking about Vaginal Atrophy! What started as a friendship between “The Broads”, Christine Eads and Molly Dedham, over 20 years ago is now a high-energy morning show that invites you into the uninhibited lives of two women that have real problems, stories, thoughts and advice. Tune in for unpredictable raw fun!

Take a moment and vote for yours truly on HealthLine’s Best Health Blog of 2012! You can vote once a day, until February 15th.

LivingBetterat50 features “Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – Are You Still Confused? Dr. Josh Trutt Weighs in…“.

Don’t miss last week’s “Menopause Mondays: What’s Gut Got to Do With It, The Correlation Between Gut Health and Menopause” as featured Yahoo! VoicesFabulously 40SocialMomsVibrant NationMenopause Chit Chat and The Boomer Blogs. “Gut” is not a pretty word. Especially if you associate it with bloating, gas, and general naughtiness that is NOT the same as the semi-cute naughtiness that comes from a two-year-old. However, it is necessary to think about the health of your gut every now and then- especially if its shananigans are making your menopause symptoms worse…

It’s January, which means that everyone is tightening their purse-strings, and eating IN instead of OUT. What could make a better giveaway than some awesome cookware from Pampered Chef? Please take a minute to enter my giveaway contest– you might be very happy come February!

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