Bone Mass Density Tests May Not Be Required For Younger Postmenopausal Women With Good Bone Density
Women with a normal bone density after menopause and before age 65 have a very low risk of fracture according to a new study from the Women’s Health Initiative as published in Menopause. The significance of this information is that this group of women will not require another bone mass density test for another 10 to 15 years. However, the decision to do a bone mass density test after 65 is dependent upon risk of fracture; how to calculate that risk is dependent upon several factors including if the woman has a medical condition associated with bone loss.
Review Of Medical Literature Reveals That Vaginal Estrogen Is Effective For Some Menopause Symptoms
Doctors from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center recently published in Obstetrics & Gynecology a review of 44 studies examining vaginal estrogen and other alternatives for women with genitourinary syndrome of menopause . (This is the new terminology for vaginal atrophy decided by the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health and The North American Menopause Society. What were they thinking??? ) The review was done in an effort to establish clinical practice guidelines to improve care for women in menopause. Researchers conclude that the studies confirm the efficacy of commercial vaginal estrogens used for the management of genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
The KinFact Intervention Improves Communication Of Family Cancer History
Doctors and community health professionals are always looking for ways to improve communication between family members when it comes to discussion of family cancer histories. The Journal of Women’s Health has published a new study on the effectiveness of a 20-minute skills based intervention that helps women to better communicate, gather, and share information with other family members related to cancer history. The study, also known as the KinFact Intervention, demonstrated that women who participated in the survey were significantly more likely to gather and share family cancer histories than those who received a handout about lowering cancer risk and cancer screenings. Check out the supplemental booklet.
Many Older Adults Are Opting For Knee Replacement Surgery Too Early In Life
The New York Times reports that many older adults may be jumping into knee replacement surgery well before it may be necessary. The promise of improved mobility and decreasing pain is a temptation that many with severe arthritis or other knee problems would find hard to resist. However doctors are now saying that many older adults may be choosing knee surgery too early in life because there is a high chance that the surgery would need to be repeated within a timeframe of 20 years. Doctors now recommend using alternative methods of improving knees via weight loss and visits to a physical therapist.