Today I woke up and looked in the mirror and thought maybe I was looking at someone else. Who is this? Did the wrinkle fairy swoop down and sprinkle me with her wrinkle dust while I was sleeping? OMG……..What is up with this!? Oh…it is just my sumo.
You may be wondering, “What is a sumo?” Different times during my day, I can hear this critical voice. No one else hears it (thank G-d). When I put a face on this voice, I see a huge sumo wrestler yelling at me – he is big, really really big. Here are some of his favorites,”You’re getting wrinkled.” Another one of his fav’s is, “You’re fat.”
This is not a new voice…This sumo has been in my head my whole life.
He never wrestles me down – I just fall down all by myself.
Everyone knows there is no such thing as a wrinkle fairy just a tooth fairy! Today…I shall be SUMO FREE!!!!