Be Mindful on National Nude Day!

Be honest.  Does the thought of nudity at this stage of the game make your stomach drop!  Nudity can mean many more things than taking your clothes off.  Why not take advantage of National Nude Day to lighten your load by shedding negative feelings, becoming more mindful and burning your ‘mom jeans’ because the kids are gone and now you can dress like the sexy girl you really are!

Nudity and Menopause

Unless you’re a practicing nudist, this is the time of life when you’re covering up a bit more rather than stripping down to a teeny bikini, although that’s ok, too!  Society demands perfection, sending many women into a spiral of self-defeat.  Magazine covers, and mass media in general celebrate the perfect face and body, even selecting the most beautiful person in the world.  Eyes of the beholder, anyone?

Where does that leave the rest of us? Not in a good place, according to one study.  Most of us wouldn’t consider ourselves a perfect 10—maybe a 6 on a good day!  So, rather than buy into Photoshop-perfection, try to appreciate your body just as it is, live life in the present and celebrate the kids leaving home.  After all, that leaves you…to spend your time…exactly as you please!

Banish Negative Thoughts and Let it RAIN!

Rather than focusing on what’s not perfect in your life, turn to mindfulness, or a state of active, open attention on the present.  Simply put, live in the moment and enjoy your life as it unfolds, rather than continually ticking off your ‘to do’ list in your head!

Studies show that this one psychological shift impacts almost every part of the body, affecting your hormones, immune system and even the psychological behaviors behind over-eating and substance abuse!  What’s not to like?  Mindfulness is also associated with stress reduction or MBSR, which stands for mindfulness based stress reduction.

Even long-time depression manifesting in anxiety and mood disorder moved in a positive direction through mindfulness practice.  Long story short:  mindfulness is powerful and even impacting your genes and the amount of gray matter in your brain!

Here are some ways to become mindful:

The New Transparency

As we all move into the ‘empty nester’ category, discover the new transparency it offers by celebrating a renewed relationship with your significant other through open communication.  Scientists suggest this time of life is ideal to become a couple again after years of identifying as just a parent.  Men can suffer from empty nest syndrome, too, so it’s a good time to partner up for grownup things—with the door open!

Privacy rocks!  Plop down on the sofa, nude if you like, and learn how to have a conversation with your husband again about something other than, ‘the kids.’

Love Your Body

Finally, menopause is a time to relax your self-imposed rules about having to look perfect all the time, especially in the nude.  Consider your body a trusted friend who served you well through the years and treat it accordingly.  Pert, taut and flat might not be the first words that come to mind, but there’s nothing wrong with curviness and soft skin.

Loving yourself is the first step to accepting others.  Acceptance is the first step to awareness and guess what with awareness, we’re right back to mindfulness.  Let’s give anxiety a rest and cast off the pall of depression that life as you once knew it is over.  Your new life is just beginning and it’s a great chance to throw off the ‘ties that bind’ and set yourself free!

Suffering in Silence is Out!  Reaching Out is In!

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