Menopause Awareness Month $2.99 E-Book Sale Begins Today!
In celebration of Menopause Awareness Month, we're offering the e-book edition of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness for $2.99, starting right now through September 25th!
In celebration of Menopause Awareness Month, we're offering the e-book edition of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness for $2.99, starting right now through September 25th!
September is Menopause Awareness Month! If you're in need of perimenopause and menopause help, our new Shmirshky Facebook page is a great place to start! Also stay tuned for our breakthrough e-book discount coming soon!
When the holidays end, I usually look like I’m pregnant. All the cheer and food just balloons up in my stomach and I start wishing I saved my maternity clothes from 30 years ago! This New Year, I'm actually giving a menopause book!
With the holiday season in full swing, many shmirshkies in perimenopause and menopause are taking to the friendly skies. The question is, are you a member of the Shmirshky Mile High Club?
More national exposure for Shmirshky (!?!) Ellen Dolgen has a [...]