Menopause Might Not Take a Break, But I Do!
The Christmas countdown is upon us: Only one day left to trim the trees, fill the stockings, and set out Santa’s cookies and milk!
The Christmas countdown is upon us: Only one day left to trim the trees, fill the stockings, and set out Santa’s cookies and milk!
Ellen spills on her celebrity crush, Bradley Cooper, and shares the best dance classes for scoring a Silver Linings Playbook workout.
I am a menopausal 57-year old and my daughter is a stunning single 30 year old. We love to do lunch, shop and shmirshky talk. More often than not, we find ourselves showing up for lunch in the same outfit. My mother, who is now 90, always dresses fabulous, but we have never ever dressed similar. So is your fashion taste a function of your genes or your jeans?
How do you vacation? Do you unwind or rewind? Can [...]
Summer time is vacation time. We spend oodles of time [...]